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To strengthen the capability of government bureaux/departments (B/Ds) against emerging cyber attacks, the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB) co-organised the first Inter-Departmental Cyber Security Drill with the Government Computer Emergency Response Team Hong Kong (GovCERT.HK) at the Central Government Offices on January 10.
The tabletop drill, the first of its kind organised in Hong Kong, marked a milestone for the Force on its collaboration with other B/Ds on enhancing cyber security. As B/Ds are prominent components of the critical infrastructure sector, both the Force and GovCERT.HK stressed that it is imperative to boost the overall competency of B/Ds in mitigating cyber threats.
A total of 30 B/Ds participated in the drill, which covered scenarios about four most prominent cyber attacks - denial-of-service attack, web defacement, data leakage and ransomware infection. Following the tabletop discussion, the representatives were invited to share their ideas and experience. The CSTCB and GovCERT.HK then gave expert advice to ensure that all participants were fully aware of the prevailing cyber threats as well as the recommended preventive and responding actions.
The drill offered an excellent platform for B/Ds to assess their cyber security preparedness and formulate effective strategies to maintain their resilience. It also demonstrated the Force’s determination to share its expertise in handling and investigating cyber security incidents.