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The Marine Region Blood Donation Day was held at Marine Regional Headquarters Officers' Mess on July 21, during which more than 40 officers conducted social responsibility to donate blood.

Sergeant Yu Ching-yee of the Marine Police Training School started donating blood at the age of 16 and at that time she had to seek her parents' consent to give blood. Since then, she has donated blood for 79 times and was commended by the Hong Kong Red Cross for achieving the highest cumulative number of donations in the category of whole blood (female donor) last year. As Ms Yu is a regular donor, she has marked her scheduled dates of blood donation in the calendar. In addition to her police work, this is another way to protect life.

Ms Yu Ching-yee (centre) achieves the highest cumulative number of donations in the category of whole blood in the Hong Kong Red Cross
Ms Yu Ching-yee (centre) achieves the highest cumulative number of donations in the category of whole blood in the Hong Kong Red Cross

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