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Forty students from six primary schools joined a Positive Softball Player project, co-organised by Wong Tai Sin District (WTSDIST) and the Hong Kong Softball Association (HKSA) last October. The students attended a graduation ceremony cum a softball tournament on January 20.

The project was launched with the aim of encouraging the students to develop exercise habits and to cultivate their self-confidence, discipline and team spirit through professional softball training. In addition to receiving softball training for three months, the students were invited to watch an international softball game with their parents.

Over 200 players from six teams participated in the tournament in January. Chairman of HKSA Mr Jimmy Fong and principals of Canossa Primary School (San Po Kong) and Chun Tok School, together with the parents of some players, attended the event to cheer on the students.

A student receives softball training with other youngsters
A student receives softball training with other youngsters