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Community policing & community relations

The Knowledge Management (Marine Policing) team ran an experience-sharing seminar about "Community Policing and Community Relations" on March 23 at the Marine Regional Headquarters, with over 30 frontline officers attending the event.

The speaker, Police Community Relations Officer of Marine Port District (MPDIST) Yuen King-ho, introduced the scope of work of Police Community Relations Office (PCRO) and how his team could effectively engage their stakeholders, including members of District Councils, Area Committees, Mutual Aid Committees and kaifong associations as well as heads and senior staff of schools. In pursuance of the Strategic Direction of "Engaging the Community", the Force enhances communication with the public to enable them to better understand and appreciate its professional services.

The seminar enhanced the participants' understanding of the needs and concerns of the community as well as the work of PCRO.

Frontline officers of Marine Region join an experience-sharing session
Frontline officers of Marine Region join an experience-sharing session