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In line with the theme of "Engagement" in the psychological wellness promotion campaign this year, the Psychological Services Group invited a local professional racing cyclist cum Olympic medallist, Miss Lee Wai-sze, to speak at the "Balances and Wisdom" seminar on March 19. The event, co-organised with the Hong Kong Police Cycling Club, attracted the participation of about 200 Force members including Assistant Commissioner (Personnel) Siu Chak-yee.

Miss Lee shared her life as a professional cyclist, as well as how to live an engaged life by cycling. She held the view that the training of a professional athlete is similar to training at the Police College, as both trainings emphasise self-discipline. She has to monitor her diet, sleep and daily routine closely in order to maintain good shape.

Miss Lee admitted that she suffered a lot of setbacks in her career and had thought of giving up. Yet her courage was revived by her unrelenting passion for cycling. What she enjoyed most about cycling was the connection she built with her teammates. She also found the process of track cycling enjoyable because it required physical strength as well as strategies and planning. Miss Lee cherished the experience of participating in competitions, adding that the competition results were secondary. She stressed that the attitude towards competitions was more important. One should remain humble in times of victory, and remain hopeful in times of losing. Last but not least, Miss Lee encouraged Force members to enjoy what they are doing, and live life to the fullest.

Miss Lee Wai-sze shares ways to live an engaged life
Miss Lee Wai-sze shares ways to live an engaged life