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A group of 25 officers, led by Superintendent Ho Ming-yan and Chief Inspector Mak Chung-kit, attended a study programme at Guangdong Police College from May 7 to 12.

The Force delegates attended a series of lectures and seminars, arranged by Guangdong Police College, on police training and operational planning on the Mainland. They also attended a lecture on the Belt and Road Initiative and found the content inspiring.

Moreover, the Force delegation visited local police stations and discussed with frontline commanders about policing issues such as anti-narcotics, intelligence-led criminal investigation, crowd management and community policing. During a visit to the Command and Control Centre of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau, the Force delegates were impressed by their counterparts' application of big data and technology in daily policing.

The Force delegates said the study programme has enhanced their understanding of the development of the country and modern policing on the Mainland. This laid a foundation for further co-operation with their Mainland counterparts.

The Force delegates visit the Command and Control Centre of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau
The Force delegates visit the Command and Control Centre of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau