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Director of Personnel and Training Li Kin-fai and Assistant Commissioner (Personnel) Siu Chak-yee officiated at the closing ceremony of the Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) 2017/18 cum inauguration ceremony of PMP 2018/19, together with other senior officers and representatives from 11 tertiary institutions. A record high of 400-plus mentors and mentees attended the event at the Police Headquarters on April 24.

With the programme entering its 15th year, the officiating guests touched a huge LED screen in the inauguration ceremony to symbolise the input of new energy to the PMP.

Delivering an opening speech at the event, Mr Li attributed the success of the PMP to the continuous support of the tertiary institutions and mentors as well as the efforts of Recruitment Division. He said the Force would devote more resources to the PMP, adding that they hope the mentees would better understand police work through diversified activities, knowledge exchange and experience sharing. He encouraged the mentees to take part in the Job Attachment Programme under the PMP to build up ties with frontline officers, experience the challenging police work and increase their interest in joining the Force after graduation.

During the event, the officers reviewed the activities held in 2017/18 and announced the programme for 2018/19. Four hundred undergraduates have been selected as mentees. They will be coached by 173 mentors or assistant mentors. The mentees look forward to the upcoming activities, particularly the Job Attachment Programme to be held between June and August.

Li Kin-fai mingles with guests and officers at a tea reception
Li Kin-fai mingles with guests and officers at a tea reception