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The Human Resources Branch of Personnel Wing conducted a seminar on the "Development Programme for Junior Officers with Potential 2018" to enhance the personal qualities of junior officers and pave the way for their career development. The event attracted the participation of 120 mentees of the Development Programme and members of the Police Mentorship Programme at the Police Headquarters on April 26.

The seminar started with a talk by a former member of the Final Interview Board (FIB) for Probationary Inspectors, Superintendent Tsang Shuk-yin, on "How to Excel Yourself in FIB". Through sharing her observations on the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates attending FIB, Ms Tsang encouraged the participants to better prepare themselves for the FIB.

Afterwards, Inspector Lam Sung-ho, who was promoted internally, shared how he equipped himself to embrace the promotion challenge. Mr Lam is committed to pursuing his professional development and is a good example for the participants to strive for their goals.

The seminar received positive responses from the participants. The Personnel Wing will continue to work with Major Formations in taking forward the Development Programme.

Tsang Shuk-yin talks about ''How to Excel Yourself in FIB''
Tsang Shuk-yin talks about ''How to Excel Yourself in FIB''