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The Police Negotiation Cadre (PNC) ran a Crisis Intervention Workshop for 16 educational psychologists on April 25. These psychologists carry out the daily task of providing counselling and support services in over 80 educational institutions.

Commanding Officer of PNC Wong Kwong-hing, assisted by a cadre member Wong Ho-hon, explained to the psychologists the skills and knowledge of crisis intervention. They advised them to follow a framework for dealing with emergencies in their client institutions. Afterwards, the PNC Exercise Team ran practical exercises for the psychologists, followed by debriefing sessions.

The workshop was well received by the attendees. The PNC would continue to engage different stakeholders to promote the professional image of the Force.

Wong Kwong-hing explains to educational psychologists the skills of crisis intervention
Wong Kwong-hing explains to educational psychologists the skills of crisis intervention