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Marine Outer Waters District (MOWDIST) arranged a visit for Junior Police Call (JPC) members of Shatin District to its Headquarters cum Marine North Division Base at Ma Liu Shui on April 21. The event kick-started Project "Marine Explorer", which aimed to enhance the knowledge of youngsters about sea safety and marine policing.

The JPC members, coming from primary and secondary schools in Sha Tin, attended a briefing by officers about the work of marine police officers. They also took part in a workshop on maritime knowledge and rope splicing. Afterwards, MOWDIST officers led them to take a look at Police Launch 61 and the Divisional Fast Patrol Craft.

MOWDIST will invite other primary and secondary students to visit its divisions so as to strengthen engagement with the youth and community leaders.

An officer shows navigational maps to the JPC members
An officer shows navigational maps to the JPC members