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Chairman of Tuen Mun District Council (TMDC) Mr Leung Kin-man, Chairman of Tuen Mun District Fight Crime Committee cum Vice-Chairman of TMDC Mr Lee Hung-sham, Chairman of Tuen Mun Branch of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB) cum TMDC Member Mr Yip Man-pan, TMDC Member Mr Tsang Hin-hong, some other TMDC Members cum DAB members, and residents' representatives of Yau Oi Estate, presented tapestry banners and plaques to some officers of Tuen Mun District (TMDIST) on May 3.

Those receiving the commendation were TMDIST Commander Kong Man-keung, Acting Assistant District Commander (Crime) Yan Fong-wai, Assistant Divisional Commander (Operations) of Castle Peak Division (CPKDIV) Sze Kin-wai, and officers of District Crime Squad 2 of TMDIST and Task Force Sub-Unit of CPKDIV. They were praised for their professionalism in the investigation of an indecent assault. The case occurred in the small hours of April 12 when a female victim was indecently assaulted in Yau Oi Estate. The officers arrested a suspect in the estate on April 15.

Community leaders present flags to TMDIST for their professionalism in handling an indecent assault case
Community leaders present flags to TMDIST for their professionalism in handling an indecent assault case