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Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my sincere appreciation and support for the good work done by the officers from Traffic Hong Kong Island during their anti-road racing operation on the Peak at around 11pm on April 29.

That evening, I was walking my dogs at Peak Road when I saw the officers checking a number of vehicles and their drivers suspected of having been involved in road racing activities. The drivers of the vehicles were extremely uncooperative and vocal, making the work of the officers much more difficult. However, the officers dealt with them in a most impressive and professional manner, ensuring that the drivers were properly managed and controlled so that the necessary processing could be completed in a prompt and efficient manner.

Police work has never been easy and, as a former police officer myself, it is gratifying to see that our officers continue to perform their duties in a calm and professional manner, even when under extreme provocation.

Please pass on my thanks and appreciation to the officers and their commanders for a job very well done.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Clement Lai

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