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The Police Volleyball Club sent four male and seven female volleyball players to join the "Open Light Volleyball Competition for Disciplined Officers", organised by the Light Volleyball Club of the People's Liberation Army of China in Zhangzhou from April 20 to 22.

Light volleyball is an emerging sport. Most of the Police volleyball players participated in this sport for the first time. In multiple rounds of preliminary and final matches with athletes from other cities, the men and women teams demonstrated team spirit and upheld the principle of "friendship first, competition second". All the team players enjoyed the short but precious moments and look forward to other opportunities for sports exchanges. Chairperson of Police Volleyball Club Ms Kwan Chui-ching was impressed with the police teams' performance and encouraged them to keep up their efforts.

Force players (dressed in green) compete with Guangzhou team members
Force players (dressed in green) compete with Guangzhou team members