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The Police Adventure Club (PAC) sponsored its members to join the Bun Tower Climbing Invitation Relay, one of the activities in the Bun Carnival organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.

Four PAC members teamed up with five-time women's champion of the Bun Scrambling Competition Ms Wong Ka-yan, who joined the PAC as an associate member through the Force Elite Athletes Strategic Engagement Scheme, to join the competition. They competed with seven teams, including contestants from the Fire Services Department and the Civil Aid Service, in the category of "Government departments, public utilities, commercial and industrial organisations".

The relay was held on May 13 at a soccer pitch of Pak Tai Temple Playground on Cheung Chau. The team members took turns to climb to the top of a 10-metre-plus bun tower to piece up a puzzle, showing the Chinese characters of "peace". PAC won the first runner-up and was just a few seconds away from winning the championship. Honorary Vice-chairman of the PAC Mr Zai Tah-lam was present to support the team.

The PAC would continue to hold adventurous activities, including the PAC Challenge and Mountain Marathon, in the second half of 2018. Details of the two events will be published in the Force NoticeBoard.

PAC supports its members to join the Bun Tower Climbing Invitation Relay
PAC supports its members to join the Bun Tower Climbing Invitation Relay

● English Version Only