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Psychologist Dr Martin Seligman defined "Wisdom and Knowledge" as those positive traits relating to the acquisition and use of information in the service of the good life. There are five character strengths under this virtue: creativity, curiosity, judgement, love of learning and perspective.


A creative person produces ideas or behaviours that are recognisably original, novel, surprising or unusual; and is adaptive and allows different ways to achieve the same end.


Curiosity is defined as one's intrinsic interest in ongoing experience. It drives people to pursue experimental novelty, variety and challenge.


People with judgement are willing to consider issues from different points of view and would objectively examine the evidence they found. They are even willing to actively search for evidence against one's favoured beliefs, plans or goals.

Love of Learning

People with the love of learning enjoy learning processes. They experience positive feelings when they are in the process of acquiring new skills or learning new knowledge, thus their knowledge base is broadened.


Perspective is the product of knowledge and experience. It allows people to take stock of life, and to make constructive recommendations in order to broaden one's and other's horizons.

A full version of this article with suggestions on how you can apply your own character strengths in your daily life will be uploaded to POINT and the website of the Psychological Support Group.