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Commissioner Lo Wai-chung led a 37-member Hong Kong delegation to attend the 13th Symposium on Police Studies of the Strait cum Hong Kong and Macao between December 3 and 5 in Nanjing. The delegates comprised Director of Immigration Mr Tsang Kwok-wai, two members of the Immigration Department, senior directorate officers of the Force, authors of theses as well as representatives of the Police College, police staff associations and the Hong Kong Police Painting and Calligraphy Club (HKPPCC).

With the theme of "New Situations of Security Governance and Deepening of Cross-boundary Policing Co-operation", the symposium drew together about 200 participants, including police officers, experts and academics from the Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao.

Authors from the four jurisdictions presented 29 theses during seven plenary sessions at the symposium. The symposium's journal incorporated eight theses submitted by the Hong Kong delegation. Of these eight theses, authors of five theses were invited to give presentations at the symposium on the topic of coping with changes in the global security situation by means of technology, big data analysis, crime analysis and cross-boundary policing co-operation.

Meanwhile, the Police Association of China and the Police Literature and Arts Association of China co-organised the Police Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of the Strait cum Hong Kong and Macao to tie in with the symposium. Police officers of the four places submitted a total of 134 pieces of painting and calligraphy artworks to promote traditional Chinese culture. Twenty pieces of artworks from the HKPPCC were put on display.

The symposium concluded with fruitful results. It raised the participants' awareness of the changes in the global security situation and strengthened policing exchanges and co-operation among the four jurisdictions.

Deputy Commissioner (Management) Chiu Wai-yin (fourth left) and Director of Personnel and Training Li Kin-fai (second right) and other guests officiate at the opening ceremony of the Police Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of the Strait cum Hong Kong and Macao
Deputy Commissioner (Management) Chiu Wai-yin (fourth left) and Director of Personnel and Training Li Kin-fai (second right) and other guests officiate at the opening ceremony of the Police Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of the Strait cum Hong Kong and Macao