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Kwai Tsing District (KWTDIST) held an annual counter-terrorism (CT) exercise, codenamed "WAYMAKER", at the Hong Kong United Dockyard on December 18. The exercise aimed to enhance the co-ordination and resilience of frontline units in handling terrorist incidents at the dockyard, which falls under the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.

The exercise simulated an attack by three terrorists at the dockyard. They landed by a speedboat and attacked security guards and workers in an attempt to damage the computer system of the dockyard. Upon receiving the case, the officers concerned assessed the situation and made immediate tactical intervention. They subdued the terrorists and helped the affected people.

A total of 164 officers from KWTDIST, the Police Tactical Unit, the Emergency Unit, the Counter Terrorism Response Unit and Marine West Division participated in the exercise. KWTDIST Commander Lau Kit-man invited nine members of Kwai Tsing District Fight Crime Committee (DFCC) as observers. The DFCC members said the exercise helped raise public confidence in the Force's ability to tackle terrorist incidents.

Officers conduct an exercise at the Hong Kong United Dockyard
Officers conduct an exercise at the Hong Kong United Dockyard