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Kowloon East (KE) Region mounted an operation, codenamed "MICROLLER", on December 16, 20 and 29 to combat village house burglary in Tseung Kwan O and Sai Kung.

The operation aimed to tackle village house burglary through a three-pronged approach of prevention, education and intelligence gathering. Officers conducted high-profile patrols at village black spots and distributed anti-burglary leaflets and souvenirs to villagers to remind them to strengthen home security. They also engaged villagers to enhance mutual understanding, exchange crime-related information and garner their support in fighting crime.

The operation involved over 100 officers from the Police Tactical Unit, the Regional Crime Prevention Office, the Police Community Relations Offices of Tseung Kwan O District (TKODIST) and Wong Tai Sin District, the Task Force Sub-Unit of TKODIST, the Rural Patrol Unit of Sai Kung Division and the Police Dog Unit. Also participating in the distribution of anti-burglary leaflets were Chairman of Sai Kung District Fight Crime Committee (SK DFCC) Mr Chan Kuen-kwan, Sai Kung District Council member Mr Hiew Moo-siew, Chairman of Sai Kung District Fire Safety Committee Mr Cheung Yat-leung and SK DFCC members.

Officers distribute anti-burglary leaflets and souvenirs to villagers
Officers distribute anti-burglary leaflets and souvenirs to villagers