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To raise Senior Police Call (SPC) members' awareness of health care, crime prevention and road safety, the Police Public Relations Branch (PPRB) organised the SPC Anti-Deception and Healthy Campaign in collaboration with the Hong Kong Alumni Association of the Southern Medical University (SMU) for the second year. Free Chinese medical consultation sessions and road safety seminars would be held for SPC members.

Over 300 SPC members and SPC Honorary Presidents from Hong Kong Island (HKI) Region and Marine Port District attended the launching ceremony of the 2018 campaign at the Police Sports and Recreation Club on December 9. Speaking at the ceremony, Chairman of the SPC Central Advisory Board Mr Yu Tat-chung thanked President of the SMU Hong Kong Alumni Association Mr Woo Wing-cheung for leading a group of registered Chinese medicine practitioners to provide free Chinese medical consultation for SPC members. He encouraged the elderly to pay more attention to their health, exercise regularly and continue to assist the Police in spreading anti-deception and road safety messages.

The programme of the ceremony was informative and entertaining. Mr Woo talked about the treatment of foot valgus while the HKI Road Safety Team disseminated road safety messages. Singer Joe Junior entertained the audience with classical songs while a Chinese orchestra and a children's Cantonese opera troupe gave performances.

Mr Yu and Mr Woo officiated at the ceremony together with Regional Commander of Kowloon West Cheuk Hau-yip; Chief Superintendent of PPRB Tse Chun-chung; Chairman of SPC Central Activities Committee Dr Cheng Kam-chung; Chairman of SPC Central Finance Committee Mr Wu Chor-nam; members of SPC Central Advisory Board Mr Ngai Hoi-ying, Mr Yung Kwok-kee, Mr Suen Yat-hau and Mr Ng Kai-yeung; Eastern District Commander Rupert Dover; Western District Commander Wong Siu-hing; Acting Central District Commander San Tze-kin; Wan Chai District Deputy Commander Ng Chi-chung; Marine Port District Commander Lau Cheng-fung; and Hunan Medical University Honorary Professor Mr Choy Tak-ho.

Following the launching of the campaign, two more free medical consultation sessions and anti-crime and road safety seminars will be held in partnership with other regions in 2019.

Chinese medicine practitioners offer free consultation for SPC members
Chinese medicine practitioners offer free consultation for SPC members