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The Carelinks Cadre held its 13th Annual Forum cum training camp at JPC@Pat Heung on November 17 and 18, with the participation of about 60 carelinkers to share their counselling work over the year.

On the first day of the event, Dr Paul Wong, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work and Social Administration in the University of Hong Kong, was invited to share the knowledge of peer support and self-care. Besides, Ms Yew Wing-see of the Psychological Services Group (PSG) and an Expressive Arts Therapist, Ms Ng Pui-wah, delivered an Expressive Arts Workshop at which the carelinkers learned about non-verbal communication through art, music, drama, dance and other mediums.

On the following day, under the guidance of Ms Chan Yin-ling of PSG, the carelinkers enjoyed breakfast in mindfulness. In addition, Ms Chan and the carelinkers held a forum about enhancing youth communication with instructors of JPC@Pat Heung.

Dr Lau Kam-lun of PSG was the guest of honour at the forum. He presented appointment letters to the carelinkers and thanked them for offering Force members a wide range of services, including the Carelinks Helpline, Carelinkers Point-to-Point Services and support for Critical Incident Stress Management or Special Events. The carelinkers also assisted in promoting self-care and care-for-others culture via the Sharing Sessions with Recruit Inspectors and Constables, Stress Management and Psychological Well Being Workshops, "Food for heart" on Force NoticeBoard and writing book reviews for the Psychological Well Being column in OffBeat.

Having received the appointment letters, the carelinkers would adhere to the motto of "Let's Care and Share" and provide timely peer support services to Force members. The Carelinks Helpline is a non-recorded and confidential service. If Force members encounter problems in family, health, work and interpersonal relations or any other aspects, please call or send a WhatsApp message to the carelinkers (Tel: 9810-0202). For enquiries, please contact the leader of the carelinks cadre, Ms Chan Ching-sum, at 3660-4569 or by email at carelinks@police.gov.hk.

Carelinkers share their counselling work in the event
Carelinkers share their counselling work in the event