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Community leaders, Kowloon District (KCDIST) Commander and members of the public presented pennants and letters of compliment to KCDIST officers on November 30 in recognition of their professionalism in promoting the "Road Safety Protocol on Receiving Tourists" and detecting a number of cases, including money laundering, deception and arson.

Among the dignitaries attending the presentation ceremony were Chairman of Kowloon City District Council Mr Pun Kwok-wah, Chairman of Kowloon City District Fight Crime Committee Mr Siu Chor-kee, Chairman of Kowloon City Road Safety Campaign Committee Mr Ho Chi-kai and President of Hong Kong Jewellery & Jade Manufacturers Association Mr Lau Wai-kwong.

The Road Safety Protocol has been launched for more than a year, bringing about notable improvement to traffic conditions and enhancing police-community partnership. Among the commendations, Chairman of Hong Kong & Kowloon Pawnbrokers' Association Limited Mr Lo Kwok-hung presented a trophy to KCDIST officers for their efforts in arresting two suspects in connection with fraud cases involving synthetic diamonds worth a total of $2,000,000 in a number of pawnshops.

KCDIST officers are honoured for detecting a number of cases
KCDIST officers are honoured for detecting a number of cases