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The Hong Kong Island Best Security Services Awards Presentation Ceremony 2017-2018 was organised by the Regional Crime Prevention Office of Hong Kong Island (HKI) on December 31, 2018. A total of 212 property management units and 200 security personnel were commended. Ten of them were awarded as The Best Top Ten Security Personnel.

All the awardees made significant contributions in preventing crime and protecting their clients' property. They also assisted the Police in saving lives and arresting culprits. The selection panel comprised representatives of the Security and Guarding Services Industry Authority, the four District Fight Crime Committees in the Region, the Teens and Elderly Mission Committee and Crime HKI Regional Headquarters.

Officiating at the presentation ceremony, HKI Regional Commander Yu Tat-chung commended a money service operator for his assistance in thwarting a telephone scam.

RCPO invited representatives of various companies, organisations and institutions to attend the presentation ceremony in recognition of their support to the Police in crime prevention.

Yu Tat-chung (centre) presents The Best Top Ten Security Personnel to the awardees
Yu Tat-chung (centre) presents The Best Top Ten Security Personnel to the awardees