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Yau Tsim District (YTDIST) ran a "Seminar on Understanding the Cultures of Ethnic Minorities" on February 22 to enhance frontline officers' understanding of non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) as well as their professional sensitivity in handling cases about NEC.

Three speakers, namely a representative of a non-profit making organisation, Inspector Singh Gimandeep who is an Indian-Hong Konger working in YTDIST, and Hussain Saleha Sahar who is a Pakistani-Hong Konger studying in The University of Hong Kong, shared their experience and promoted cultural exchanges with the officers through interactive games.

Meanwhile, YTDIST has produced three sets of booklets on "Indians in Hong Kong", "Pakistani in Hong Kong" and "Nepalese in Hong Kong" for frontline officers to help them better understand the culture of the ethnic minorities and other matters of concern.

Singh Gimandeep and Hussain Saleha Sahar speak on the culture of their ethnic groups
Singh Gimandeep and Hussain Saleha Sahar speak on the culture of their ethnic groups