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Tai Po District (TPDIST) Commander Lee Kwok-chung and officers of the Police Community Relations Office led 50 secondary school teachers and students from Tai Po and Sheung Shui to take part in the third module of TPDIST Anti-drug Fighter Elite Scheme 2018, the Mock Trial, in the High Court on March 9.

Following the first two modules on "Simulated Arrest of Drug Offenders" and "Legal Workshop" held earlier, the case was taken to the High Court for a mock trial. For more than a month, the students had analysed the case in depth with the help of volunteer lawyers from the Rotary Club of Tai Po.

During the mock trial, the volunteer lawyers served as a mock judge and duty lawyers while the students played the role of prosecutors, defense lawyers, court clerks, witnesses and defendants. Under the guidance of the volunteer lawyers, the students conducted the trial in accordance with judicial procedures and the simulated offenders were convicted.

Lee Kwok-chung presented certificates to students with outstanding performance. The students said they benefited a lot from the activity. They learned more about the importance of the rule of law, and are determined to say no to drugs and be law-abiding citizens.