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Deputy Commissioner (Management) (DCP MAN) Kwok Yam-shu led a Force delegation to Hohhot in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region between May 21 and 24. They visited a mobile training team of the Force Search Unit (FSU) which was conducting a course at the Inner Mongolian Police Professional College. Mr Kwok also presented certificates to Mainland trainees at the graduation ceremony of the course.

Since 2003, the Force and the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) have been co-organising mobile training courses on firearms and tactics for public security officers in provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. So far, more than 2 800 public security officers have been trained. Riding on the success of previous courses on firearms and tactics, the FSU was invited to run a train-the-trainer course in Wuhan last November and the course was well received.

This year, the MPS invited a team of 16 FSU officers, led by Senior Superintendent Tang Chi-ming, to deliver a training course on defensive search and venue security to 120 public security trainees in Inner Mongolia in May. The course covered defensive search of venues, vehicles, roads, rooms as well as security check.

Speaking at the graduation ceremony on May 23, Mr Kwok Yam-shu recognised the efforts of mobile training teams in enhancing the safety of public security officers in the past decade. He expressed hope that both the Force and its Mainland counterparts would continue to use this exchange platform to strengthen frontline officers' capabilities in keeping themselves and the community safe. He encouraged the trainees to apply what they have learned in the fight against terrorism. Mr Kwok also thanked the MPS, the Police Liaison Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Public Security Bureau (PSB) and Hohhot Municipal PSB for their support and assistance. In return, the trainees applauded the training team for its dedication and professionalism.

During the stay in Hohhot, the delegation visited the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region PSB, Hohhot Municipal PSB and Inner Mongolian Police Professional College. Both sides recognised the significance of their bilateral training courses and exchanged views on other aspects of training and exchange programmes.

Mr Kwok Yam-shu (first left) tries on goggles to experience artificial intelligence facial recognition technology
Mr Kwok Yam-shu (first left) tries on goggles to experience artificial intelligence facial recognition technology