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Vice Mayor of Zhuhai cum Director-General of Zhuhai Municipal Public Security Bureau (PSB) Mr Zhang Rui led a delegation to visit the Hong Kong Police Force on May 16. He also paid a courtesy call on Commissioner Lo Wai-chung.

Mr Zhang had worked in the Forensic Science Centre of Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department (GD PSD) for years. In 2017, he became the Director of the Criminal Investigation Department of GD PSD. In June 2018, he assumed the post of the Director-General of Zhuhai PSB.

During the courtesy call, Mr Zhang and Mr Lo talked about the security situation of Zhuhai and Hong Kong. Mr Lo thanked the PSB for its close co-operation with the Force, adding that the Force will continue to strengthen collaboration with the PSB to combat cross-boundary crime.

Commissioner Lo Wai-chung (right) presents a souvenir to Mr Zhang Rui
Commissioner Lo Wai-chung (right) presents a souvenir to Mr Zhang Rui