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The 25th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Tripartite Heads of Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Meeting was held in Shunde, Foshan, on May 28 to strengthen intelligence exchange and co-operation.

Led by Deputy Commissioner (Operations) Tang Ping-keung, representatives of the Hong Kong Police Force met with the delegations headed respectively by Deputy Director-General of Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department (GD PSD) Mr Lin Weixiong and Commissioner-General of Macao Unitary Police Service (MUPS) Mr Ma Io-kun.

The tripartite CID delegates reviewed the results of co-operation over the year and mapped out the way forward for the year ahead. The discussion focused on joint operations in combating cross-boundary crimes as well as intelligence exchange and criminal investigation training.

The Hong Kong delegation comprised Acting Director of Crime and Security Yuen Yuk-kin, heads of five Crime Wing bureaux and Crime Wing Support Group as well as officers from the Liaison Bureau. The Mainland delegates came from GD PSD as well as Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Foshan Municipal Public Security Bureaux, while the Macao members were from MUPS, Judiciary Police and Public Security Police. Also attending the meeting were representatives of the Ministry of Public Security.

Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao police have been collaborating closely for years, resulting in the detection of many organised and serious crimes. It is evident that the close co-operation and liaison among the tripartite CIDs have contributed to the fight against cross-boundary crimes.

Tripartite CID delegates attend a meeting to strengthen intelligence exchange and co-operation
Tripartite CID delegates attend a meeting to strengthen intelligence exchange and co-operation