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The Research and Inspections Branch (RIB) of the Service Quality Wing launched briefings for Formation Command Teams in Regions in the second quarter this year about the upcoming Force Inspection Process (FIP).

The briefings provide an interactive platform for Formation Command Teams to learn more about the dual-module approach of the refined FIP and clarify any ambiguity in the new methodology.

The RIB conducted briefings for Hong Kong Island and Kowloon East Regions in late May. Acting Chief Superintendent of the RIB Fan Chor-fun explained to the attendees that the refined FIP would act as an effective health check tool to treat risks and drive service enhancement. Briefings will be held for other Regions, Police Headquarters units and Police staff associations.

Moreover, the RIB will distribute self-explanatory handbooks, covering the FIP modules of "Compliance" and "Self-Assessment", to all units to provide practical guidance to officers on how to adapt to the refined FIP.

Before the rollout of the FIP in September, the RIB will conduct a series of workshops for frontline supervisory officers and Report Room officers from July to increase their understanding of the Compliance Module.

Ms Fan Chor-fun explains the refined FIP to the attendees
Ms Fan Chor-fun explains the refined FIP to the attendees