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The Recruitment Division (REC DIV) made arrangements for over 60 mentees of the Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) and the Police Mentorship Programme Outreach (PMPO) to visit the Airport Security Unit (ASU) on May 25.

Chief Inspector (ASU) Lau Chun-tang, one of the PMPO mentors, introduced to the mentees ASU's history, operational priorities, training, daily work and equipment. The mentees were also given an opportunity to experience the physical training of ASU officers. This enriched their knowledge of the ASU and their understanding of the diversity and challenges of police work.

Looking ahead, REC DIV will arrange different activities, such as visits to other Police units as well as physical training and interview skills workshops, for mentees to strengthen their competitiveness in the recruitment exercise.

The PMPO was launched last December as a proactive strategy to inspire high-calibre Hong Kong students from mainland or overseas tertiary institutions to join the Force. Interested persons are welcome to visit the website of PMPO (https://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_en/15_recruit/pmpo.html) and submit a completed application form by email to the REC DIV (rec-1-publicity@police.gov.hk).

Mr Lau Chun-tang introduces ASU's equipment to PMP and PMPO mentees
Mr Lau Chun-tang introduces ASU's equipment to PMP and PMPO mentees