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Marine Outer Waters District (MOWDIST) arranged members of the Elite Athletes Strategic Engagement (EASE) Scheme to visit Ma Liu Shui Marine Police Base under Project "Marine Explorer" on May 3. The event aimed to enhance the knowledge of the elite athletes about marine policing and sea safety.

Led by Chief Facilitator of EASE Scheme cum Chief Superintendent Kwok Ka-chuen, the elite athletes toured the Marine Police Base and boarded police vessels. They showed much interest in the equipment of Marine Police such as life-saving tools, radio-communication facilities and navigational equipment. They said the visit enabled them to better understand the work of Marine Police.

MOWDIST will invite other members of Police community engagement programmes to participate in Project "Marine Explorer" so that they can learn more about Marine Police work. The project also provides the latest recruitment information for those who are interested in joining the Force.

Officers give a guided tour to the elite athletes
Officers give a guided tour to the elite athletes