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In a bid to increase the awareness of elders and their caregivers of elder abuse and missing elderly, the Family Conflict and Sexual Violence Policy Unit (FCSV) organised two seminars with the Christian Family Service Centre and the Hong Kong Christian Service on June 26 and July 10 respectively. Over 200 elders from elderly homes as well as their caregivers attended the seminars.

FCSV officers explained to the participants the relevant laws, police procedures of handling elder abuse cases, ways to identify elder abuse as well as the importance of seeking early assistance. An educational video produced by FCSV and mentees of the Summer Job Attachment of the Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) was also broadcast at the seminars. The video helped increase the participants' understanding of dementia, ways to prevent the elderly from getting lost as well as things to note when reporting missing elderly people.

The caregivers took the opportunity to share their skills and knowledge in taking care of the elderly. They said the seminars enabled them to better understand the psychology of abused elders as well as a range of community support services available. It also enhanced their awareness of dementia as well as their confidence in taking care of demented elders.

A PMP mentee teaches elderly people to do exercise to prevent dementia
A PMP mentee teaches elderly people to do exercise to prevent dementia