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Applications are invited for scholarships, bursaries and grants from the Police Children's Education Trust (PCET) as well as the Police Education and Welfare Trust (PE&WT) for 2019/20. The deadline for applications is October 14.

The education trusts give financial assistance to children of police officers to receive full-time education and attend welfare activities. This year, a new type of scholarship called the Scholarship for Volunteerism is introduced. On the other hand, grants for special needs children benefit those receiving Disability Allowance as well as children with special educational needs while grants for compassionate cases also cover children in nurseries.

Detailed information and application forms of scholarships and bursaries can be downloaded from the Personnel Services and Staff Relations (PS&SR) Branch website at Police Intranet (POINT) or Police Public Page. Applicants should send completed application forms with supporting documents to the Secretariat, PCET and PE&WT, c/o PS&SR Branch, 38/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai. Grants for special needs children and compassionate cases should be applied for through Regional Welfare Offices. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. For enquiries, please call PS&SR Branch at 2860-3242.