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The Police Public Relations Branch (PPRB) organised the third "Cross-disciplined Forces Training Programme for Ethnic Minority Youth" with the support of other disciplined forces from July 22 to 24. A total of 65 participants aged between 13 and 18 took part in the programme at JPC@Pat Heung.

The programme aimed to provide disciplinary, physical and team-building training to ethnic minority youngsters to help them integrate into society and cultivate positive values.

The opening ceremony of the programme was officiated by Superintendent of the Pat Heung Youth Development Division of the PPRB Chung Kin-yeung. In addition to representatives of disciplined forces, the representatives of the Consulate General of India and members of the Junior Police Call Central Advisory Board were invited to attend the ceremony.

During the programme, representatives of disciplined forces explained the scope of their work as well as the entry requirements for their respective disciplined services. Some of the disciplined representatives were ethnic minorities and they encouraged fellow participants to strive for their goals. The participants also took part in physical training activities, such as a rope course adventure, ziplining and ball games, and received first-aid training.

For each training programme, arrangements are made for the participants to visit a disciplined service department. Participants of the first and second training programmes visited the Fire and Ambulance Services Academy and the Staff Training Institute of the Correctional Services Department respectively. This time, the participants paid a visit to the Immigration Service Institute of Training and Development to learn about the training of immigration officers.

The training programme has been held biannually in July and December since 2018. A total of 226 ethnic minority youths have participated in the programme so far.


Representatives of disciplined forces and guests take a photograph at the opening ceremony
Representatives of disciplined forces and guests take a photograph at the opening ceremony
Representatives of disciplined forces, guests and participants take a photograph
Representatives of disciplined forces, guests and participants take a photograph
Non-ethnic Chinese police officers give a sharing to participants
Non-ethnic Chinese police officers give a sharing to participants
Participants join a wheelchair ball game to experience difficulties encountered by people with disabilities
Participants join a wheelchair ball game to experience difficulties encountered by people with disabilities
Participants enjoy ziplining
Participants enjoy ziplining
Participants take up a rope course challenge
Participants take up a rope course challenge
Participants take part in a team-building activity
Participants take part in a team-building activity
A participant embraces a high-level challenge
A participant embraces a high-level challenge