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Acting Deputy Commissioner (Management) Li Kin-fai attended the closing ceremony of the Military Summer Camp for Hong Kong Youth 2019 with other officiating guests on July 28. He was pleased to witness 600 student campers completing training at the San Wai Barracks of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Hong Kong Garrison.

The summer camp was jointly organised by the PLA Hong Kong Garrison, the Education Bureau and the Concerted Efforts Resource Centre from July 14 to 28. Through discipline training, military-related experiences, thematic talks and other activities, the camp aimed to develop morality and leadership potential among the secondary school students, and to foster their endurance, self-discipline, compliance and spirit of unity.

As part of the Force's youth engagement initiatives, the Personnel Wing recruited 22 police officers as volunteer facilitators to help coach the student campers. The officers built a close bond with the students through happy and difficult times in the camp.

Mr Li showed appreciation to the police officers for their participation in this meaningful event in their spare time. He encouraged them to continue to show their selfless dedication to help young people grow up and project a positive image of the Force.

Mr Li Kin-fai (centre) takes a photograph with some police volunteers in the closing ceremony
Mr Li Kin-fai (centre) takes a photograph with some police volunteers in the closing ceremony
Mr Li Kin-fai (first left) thanks police volunteers for their assistance in mentoring student campers
Mr Li Kin-fai (first left) thanks police volunteers for their assistance in mentoring student campers