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Officer speaks at Singapore KM conference

Ms Chan Lai-man, the Head of Research Centre under the School of Specialised Learning of Hong Kong Police College, attended the Knowledge Management Singapore Conference 2019 organised by the Knowledge Management Society of Singapore on August 29 and 30. She was invited as a guest speaker to share the Hong Kong Police Force's knowledge management (KM) journey and its innovative KM framework—"Innovation Ship".

The annual conference serves as a platform for KM experts and practitioners from around the world to keep abreast of the latest KM strategies and share their best practices. The theme of this year's conference was "Smart Organisations – A Knowledge Based Enterprise for Society 5.0", with a focus on culture, people, processes, leadership as well as technologies supporting and driving today's organisations.

Meanwhile, Ms Chan also conducted the sixth Annual KM Dialogue with the Singapore Police Force to exchange their experience in KM development. Through active participation in international KM events and learning from peers, the Force has gained valuable knowledge from its partners and other sectors for enhancing its organisational capacity.

Ms Chan Lai-man speaks at the Knowledge Management Singapore Conference 2019
Ms Chan Lai-man speaks at the Knowledge Management Singapore Conference 2019
Ms Chan Lai-man (centre) conducts the sixth Annual KM Dialogue with Singaporean police officers
Ms Chan Lai-man (centre) conducts the sixth Annual KM Dialogue with Singaporean police officers