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Wan Chai District (WCHDIST) and WCHDIST Senior Police Call Honorary President Council held a Christmas lunch buffet for over 150 Senior Police Call (SPC) members at Disciplined Services Sports and Recreation Club on December 6, 2019.

During the event, SPC members enjoyed a lunch buffet featuring a singing performance. A lucky draw session was arranged under the sponsorship of WCHDIST SPC Honorary President Council. Gift packs were also distributed to SPC members. Meanwhile, officers of WCHDIST took the opportunity to share the latest modus operandi of deception with SPC members with a view to raising their awareness and encouraging them to spread the anti-scam tips to their friends and relatives.

WCHDIST thanked the guests from WCHDIST SPC Honorary President Council for their participation and support, namely Chairman Mr Suen Yat-hau, Vice-chairman Dr Chow Kam-wai, Honorary Presidents Mr Lau Lee-nin, Mr Tang Wai-keung, Mr Lam Kwok-ming, Mr Lai Kwok-tung, and committee member Ms Yiu Suet-mui.

SPC members and officiating guests take a photograph
SPC members and officiating guests take a photograph