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Each year at Halloween, on Christmas Eve and on New Year's Eve, Central District (CDIST) conducts crowd management operations in Lan Kwai Fong to facilitate festive celebrations and ensure public safety and public order.

During the recent Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, CDIST worked closely with Lan Kwai Fong Association (LKFA) to conduct crowd management operations. By means of temporary traffic arrangements, LKFA secured Lan Kwai Fong area as a public event venue, while private security guards were employed to manage the crowds in the heart of Lan Kwai Fong. To ensure smooth operations, CDIST and LKFA held a number of meetings and conducted exercises, designing an alert system to ensure all stakeholders and security guards were able to respond to different situations.

Since November 2019, Special Constables from other disciplinary forces have undertaken duties to protect key venues in CDIST. During the recent festive period, Special Constables were assigned crowd management duties in the district to relieve the pressure on frontline police officers. CDIST would like to express its deepest gratitude to all Special Constables for their professionalism and contributions.

Special Constables take part in crowd management operations
Special Constables take part in crowd management operations