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Around 50 mentees of Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) and PMP Outreach joined a leadership training camp run by PMP mentors graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong on January 4 at JPC@Pat Heung.

The mentees came from local universities as well as mainland or overseas tertiary institutions. They challenged themselves with adventurous and team-building activities to enhance their leadership ability, communication skills and team spirit. The activities included partnership in the dark, high rope challenge, zip lining and leadership training.

After each activity, mentors conducted reflection and sharing sessions with the mentees, to strengthen mutual trust and communication between mentees and enhance their leadership qualities. The mentees said that they had a better understanding of themselves and had learnt how to become a better leader through the activities. They valued the friendships developed with other mentees from different backgrounds and said that the event had bolstered their confidence to join the Force.

The PMP will continue to hold diversified activities for mentees. The PMP 2020/21 is now open for applications and the deadline is February 15. For details, please contact the Recruitment Division or visit the following link (https://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_en/15_recruit/pmp.html).

Mentees take part in adventurous and team-building activities under the guidance of mentors
Mentees take part in adventurous and team-building activities under the guidance of mentors
Mentees enhance their communication and team spirit through different activities
Mentees enhance their communication and team spirit through different activities