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Commissioner Tang Ping-keung paid a visit to Tuen Mun Police Station on February 17. He inspected the enhanced security facilities and was briefed on the preventive measures taken against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). He also took the opportunity to foster communication with officers.

The Commissioner conducted an on-site inspection to learn about an enhanced mechanism for strengthening station defence implemented in Tuen Mun District (TMDIST) since last November. Integrating the geographical features of the police station and digital technology, the mechanism provides effective and proper protection to the police station and officers as well as serving a deterrent to rioters. When rioters threw petrol bombs at Tuen Mun Police Station in late January, officers made use of the full HD CCTV monitoring system to identify the suspects' escape route immediately and promptly arrested two persons involved. The Commissioner tried out the system on the spot and encouraged officers to continue incorporating technology into policing work.

As a measure to fight COVID-19, TMDIST acquired sanitising products and set up cleaning and disinfecting areas to provide officers with a safe and hygienic working environment. The Commissioner was briefed on the anti-epidemic measures taken by TMDIST and inspected the cleaning and disinfecting areas. He assured the officers that the Force would take care of their welfare needs and closely monitor the situation in order to provide a safe working environment and sufficient protection to officers.

Afterwards, the Commissioner chatted with officers from different units of TMDIST. Apart from responding to questions regarding Operation TIDERIDER and anti-epidemic work, the Commissioner also explained the future direction of policing of the Force. He praised the officers for their outstanding performance over the past few months and expressed gratitude for their dedication to serving the community with honour, duty and loyalty. Officers were grateful to have the opportunity to communicate with the Commissioner in person.

On February 13, the Commissioner paid a visit to Hung Hom Police Station, which was one of police stations attacked by petrol bombs during Operation TIDERIDER, so as to get a better understanding of the stepped-up security measures for station defence. He also inspected the Temporary Holding Area (THA) which had been frequently used for handling large-scale arrest operations in Kowloon West since last October, and expressed gratitude to officers for their effort and contribution in those operations.

Officers of Kowloon City District (KCDIST) shared with the Commissioner their experience in handling over 200 persons arrested around the Hong Kong Polytechnic University at the THA for four consecutive days in mid-November. Moreover, officers gave an introduction about a plan to enhance communication with the schools in the district. KCDIST will arrange visits to the THA and use a THA miniature replica to help school staff and students understand more about the procedures of handling arrested persons, with a view to increasing transparency of police work and enlisting support and trust from them.

The Commissioner then conducted an open forum with officers from Uniform Branch, crime and auxiliary officers as well as civilian staff members. During the forum, the Commissioner talked about the current situation while officers shared their experiences in Operation TIDERIDER. Officers felt encouraged by the Commissioner's visit and hoped that the Force could soon restore social order under the Commissioner's leadership.

TMDIST officers brief Commissioner Tang Ping-keung (first right) on the operation of the full HD CCTV monitoring system
TMDIST officers brief Commissioner Tang Ping-keung (first right) on the operation of the full HD CCTV monitoring system
Commissioner Tang Ping-keung (second left) learns about the enhanced security measures of Tuen Mun Police Station
Commissioner Tang Ping-keung (second left) learns about the enhanced security measures of Tuen Mun Police Station
KCDIST officers brief Commissioner Tang Ping-keung (centre) on the plan of using a THA miniature replica to help students understand the procedures of handling arrested persons
KCDIST officers brief Commissioner Tang Ping-keung (centre) on the plan of using a THA miniature replica to help students understand the procedures of handling arrested persons
Commissioner Tang Ping-keung (first right) meets with a cross-section of KCDIST officers
Commissioner Tang Ping-keung (first right) meets with a cross-section of KCDIST officers