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The Traffic Management and Transport Working Group (T&T WG) is one of the seven working groups formed to prepare the Force for its commitments during Operation TIDERIDER and subsequently to support frontline duties and facilitate deployment of officers in dealing with social unrest. T&T WG is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the work of Regional Traffic Formations, Transport Division (TPT) and the Force Emergency Driving Cadre (FEDC) as well as advising Headquarters Command and Control Centre (HQCCC), Higher Commands (HICOMs) and Transport Department's Emergency Transport Coordination Centre (ETCC) about traffic diversions and contingency plans in order to minimise traffic disruption caused to road users during public events.

The T&T WG Command Post, TPT Command Centre (TPTCC) and ETCC are operated round the clock to provide timely support to frontline officers. The T&T WG Command Post manned by officers of Traffic Branch Headquarters (TBHQ) and Regional Traffic Formations works closely with ETCC to keep HQCCC and HICOMs updated on incidents with major traffic implications and to coordinate responses between the Police and Transport Department. The T&T WG Command Post also maintains close liaison with TPTCC to oversee the coordination of logistics and transportation deployment.

With a view to maintaining sufficient vehicles to cater for operational requirements and requests from frontline units, the TPTCC has worked closely with the Government Logistics Department and other service providers. Since June 2019, vehicles were loaned from other government departments whereas various types of vehicles were hired from commercial entities for operational use. To ensure the availability of vehicles for Regional Response Contingent (RRC) mobilisation, TPTCC has also worked hand in hand with the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department to arrange urgent maintenance and repair of damaged and broken down vehicles.

In order to provide greater protection for RRC vehicles and to enhance operational effectiveness, TPT has procured polycarbonate screens and protective film for the windows of these vehicles to offer greater resistance against pointed objects being thrown at them as well as detachable blue lights for unmarked vehicles. As frontline officers have to work for extended periods in unwelcoming environments, TPT has arranged two trailers with mobile toilets since August 2019.

To better coordinate human resources and logistics arrangement, the T&T WG has worked closely with the five Traffic Regions to formulate protocols to cater for emergency turnout, escort duty and cross-region public events. Apart from operating the T&T WG Command Post and deploying police representatives to the ETCC, the T&T WG has also supported the Personnel Wing Command Centre to perform catering related duties.

Following serious disturbances, traffic officers have sometimes encountered difficulties in reopening roads blocked with barricades and other debris in an expeditious and safe manner. To overcome this challenge, grab lorries were loaned from other government departments and driven and operated by police officers. After conducting a review, T&T WG provided training for police officers to operate loadshifting machines for removing bricks that had been stacked in piles.

The T&T WG will continue to provide traffic and transport support to frontline officers during Operation TIDERIDER to ensure that they are confident and capable of coping with challenges ahead.