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Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) organised the Overseas Triad Course 2023 between November 20 and 24, 2023 for mainland and overseas law enforcement officers. 18 officers from 11 jurisdictions, namely the Mainland, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Macao, Singapore, Spain and the United Arab Emirates, attended the course, which served as a pivotal platform for law enforcement officers across the globe to collaboratively discuss triad-related concepts, address shared issues and exchange intelligence.

The course covered various topics about triad-related crimes and law enforcement. Experts on triad from the Force, representatives from judiciary, academia and Hong Kong Jockey Club were invited to be guest speakers. The course incorporated various site visits. The participants also presented the latest triad situation of their jurisdiction and shared their different law enforcement strategies. The participants commented that the course was informative and fruitful, helping them enhance their knowledge about Hong Kong triad.

CIB remains committed to maintaining close liaison with various international law enforcement agencies to promote information exchange and combat triad-related crimes.

The participants tour the Police Museum to understand the policing environment of Hong Kong at present and in the past.
The participants tour the Police Museum to understand the policing environment of Hong Kong at present and in the past.
Staff members of Hong Kong Jockey Club brief participants on the security system inside the racecourse and related bookmaking activities.
Staff members of Hong Kong Jockey Club brief participants on the security system inside the racecourse and related bookmaking activities.
The participants share the latest triad situation in their home regions and different law enforcement strategies.
The participants share the latest triad situation in their home regions and different law enforcement strategies.