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The Force won 12 awards in ASTRID Awards 2024, 11 by Public Relations Wing and the remaining one by New Territories South (NTS).

The Gold Award winner Silky Smooth Travel is a short clip adopting the live promotional video mode to promote road safety. The three Silver Awards reapers are Police Calendar 2024, Force 180th Anniversary New Year Gift Box Set and Guarding Our City with Faith – The Prequel (the Prequel) Gift Box Set. The unique designs of these publicity items highlight the features of Force and its 180th anniversary.

The Bronze awardee, anti-deception video April’s Fool Day, promotes anti-deception messages through a story of online romance scam. The Force has also clinched seven Honours Awards, including the cover illustration of Hong Kong Police Review 2022 showcasing the mission of the Force in a refreshing style, the revamped Police Public Page, Youth Crime Prevention Booklet (2023 Edition), the Prequel Photograph Collection, anti-scam mascot “The Little Grape” projector digital watch displaying 24 different figures of “The Little Grape”, and another set of Police Calendar 2024. NTS’s awarded work, Pixel Police for Integrity and Professional Identity, promotes cultural activities on integrity.

These awards not only recognise the Force’s dedication and work but also serve as motivation for the Force to continuously seek innovation in various areas of public service to keep up with the times.

The award-winning Police Calendar 2024
The award-winning Police Calendar 2024
Force 180th Anniversary New Year Gift Box Set reaps the Silver Award.
Force 180th Anniversary New Year Gift Box Set reaps the Silver Award.