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The Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force (HKAPF) has been co-operating with Chinese conglomerates in Hong Kong for auxiliary recruitment since 2022. The three recruits in the first intake from China Resources Enterprise (CRE) who have completed their Recruit Police Constable (Auxiliary) Basic Training Course joined the passing-out parade held at the HKAPF Headquarters on April 6.

Chairman of the Panel on Security of Legislative Council Mr Chan Hak-kan was the Reviewing Officer of the passing-out parade of 65 trainees on the day. Senior management from CRE also attended the parade to show support to their staff, who have been posted to Border, Wan Chai and Yau Tsim Districts respectively. The three employees all said that they benefited greatly from the training and hoped to achieve their ambition in safeguarding Hong Kong.

Three recruits in the first intake from CRE who have completed basic training join the passing-out parade.
Three recruits in the first intake from CRE who have completed basic training join the passing-out parade.