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Public Relations (PR) Wing attended the 7th police video exhibition organised by the China Police Daily in Haining City, Zhejiang Province on April 18. The promotional videos Guarding Our City and Guarding Our City - The Prequel received awards in the category of public security microfilm. The anti-fraud video Beware of Fake Calls from the Police: Remember to Say No also received an award in the category of legal regime promotional short videos. Officers were invited to share experience in producing and promoting microfilms.

Furthermore, PR Wing attended a summit hosted by Weibo in Hefei City, Anhui Province on April 19 and received an award for innovative application and communication in 2023. The Force will continue to make use of the social media for giving quick response to issues of public concern and telling good stories about the Force in an innovative manner.

PR Wing receives an award by Weibo for innovative application and communication in 2023.
PR Wing receives an award by Weibo for innovative application and communication in 2023.