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Assistant Commissioner (National Security 2) Wong Chung-chun attended the five-day International Programme on Crisis Leadership organised by Singapore Home Team Academy in partnership with the US Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers between April 1 and 5. The programme aimed to bring together senior law enforcement officers from invited countries and jurisdictions to discuss global best practices in crisis leadership and management, and strengthen the international network among experts and practitioners.

The participants from various countries, including the Mainland, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Jordan, Malaysia, Oman, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand and the US, discussed contemporary global security and crisis trends, as well as exchanging experience in crisis management through real-life cases. The participants were also arranged to attend the Milipol Asia-Pacific - TechX Summit 2024 and its Leaders in Crisis Management Forum to exchange views on crisis management with renowned scholars and veteran leaders in the field.

Assistant Commissioner (National Security 2) Wong Chung-chun (fourth left, second row) is delighted to share his perspectives and insights on crisis management with participants from various countries.
Assistant Commissioner (National Security 2) Wong Chung-chun (fourth left, second row) is delighted to share his perspectives and insights on crisis management with participants from various countries.