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The Hong Kong Police Football Club (HKPFC) held its first Little Lions Football Invitational Tournament at the Police Sports and Recreation Club on April 14 to celebrate the 180th anniversary of the establishment of the Police Force. The Little Lions Football Team competed with the other seven teams, including the BoasFC, Tai Po Football Team, Beauty Pool Football Team, All Star Coach Football Team, Hoi King, BrighterKids Edu Centre Football Team and Social Seed Football Team to compete for the Safeguarding Our City Cup and Beyond 180 Years Cup.

After a number of games, BoasFC won the Safeguarding Our City Cup championship while the Beyond 180 Years Cup was won by Little Lions Football Team. In addition to awarding each player a medal as encouragement, HKPFC also prepared souvenirs of anti-scam mascot “The Little Grape” and leaflets to promote anti-scam messages to the attendees.

Little Lions Football Team competes with the other seven teams in its first invitational tournament.
Little Lions Football Team competes with the other seven teams in its first invitational tournament.