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The Public Relations Wing has won three awards in Questar Awards 2024, namely one Gold, one Silver and one Bronze, witnessing various sectors’ recognition of the Force’s diverse promotional efforts.

The gold-winning anti-deception video April Fool’s Day, which was released on April 1, 2023 on the Force’s social media platforms, reminds the public in an innovative and interesting manner not to fall victim to romance scams. The Silver Award winner, the promotional video Guarding our City series comprising Guarding our City and Guarding our City – The Prequel, is the product of collaboration with renowned director Mr Lam Chiu-yin. It is hoped that the Force’s professional spirit of “different positions, guarding the city” can be showcased to the public through the video. The Bronze-winning video, The Little Grape’s 3-year-old Celebration, features the anti-scam mascot “The Little Grape” to convey its birthday wish of “a world without scams”, with a view to disseminating anti-deception messages in a soft approach.

Guarding our City series clinches a Silver Award.
Guarding our City series clinches a Silver Award.