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The Crime Wing, together with the education sector, organised several seminars in the first quarter of this year to strengthen teenagers’ resilience against cyber threats. On January 25, Crime Wing and the Education University of Hong Kong held a seminar on digital literacy, anti-drugs and child protection for 200 prospective teachers who were taking courses on education. Officers from the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau offered insights into deepfake technology, misinformation and related educational resources for prospective teachers to cultivate digital literacy among the students.

In collaboration with Project WeCan, Crime Wing organised five digital literacy seminars during the Teachers’ Development Days in March and April to bolster the teaching staff’s digital literacy so that they could guide the students to become law-abiding digital citizens. The seminars drew participation from approximately 3 000 teaching staff.

The student of Hong Kong Education University exchanges opinions with the officers during the seminar.
The student of Hong Kong Education University exchanges opinions with the officers during the seminar.