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Kowloon East (KE) held “Vigoursense KE • New Sports • KE Vibe Gala” at the Police Sports and Recreation Club (PSRC) on May 15. In addition to KE officers, Junior Police Call members and family members from both parties, this year’s event also invited members of the Road Safety Committee, attracting a participation of over 2 000 people.

The event featured a series of diverse activities. Apart from the debut of the Armoured Sabertooth, the anti-scam mascot “The Little Grape family” and the Road Safety Bus at PSRC, there were 11 game booths, virtual reality sports games and police dog training demonstration, etc. In the competitive games, the contestants did their best, with the overall championship won by Wong Tai Sin District.

Speaking at the event, Regional Commander of KE (RC KE) Dr Law Yuet-wing shared that the gala not only responded positively to the government’s recent initiative in promoting new sports and a healthy lifestyle, but also provided KE colleagues with an opportunity to spend quality time with their families. RC KE also expressed his gratitude to Kowloon East Chaoren Association for its sponsorship, as well as the event organisers.

RC KE Dr Law Yuet-wing (fifth right, front row) and District Commander of Tseung Kwan O District Mak Man-yu (fourth right, front row) share the fun with the participants.
RC KE Dr Law Yuet-wing (fifth right, front row) and District Commander of Tseung Kwan O District Mak Man-yu (fourth right, front row) share the fun with the participants.