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The Inter-departmental Counter-Terrorism Unit (ICTU) organised a counter-terrorism (CT) training course for 30 members from the Counter Terrorism Emergency Coordination Team (CTECT) and ICTU between May 13 and 17. The course aimed at enhancing the CT awareness and response capacity of participating departments, and strengthening the understanding, communication and co-ordination among departments in CT work.

ICTU holistically reviewed the course content to include a series of scenario-based discussions and site visits on top of the CT strategies and duties of various government departments, so that participants could have more interaction with different units and stakeholders. The Major Incidents Bureau was invited to run a scenario-based field exercise, allowing participants to gain deeper insights into their respective CT work.

At the conclusion of the training course, Deputy Commissioner (Operations) (DCP OPS) Chow Yat-ming presented certificates to the participants. He emphasised that global terrorism landscape was ever-changing. Although the terrorist threat level of Hong Kong remained “moderate”, the departments should not take it lightly. He hoped that the reviewed curriculum could improve the participants’ learning outcomes and strengthen inter-departmental collaboration and connections.

CTECT is a dedicated CT forum for senior government officials with CT roles to formulate and co-ordinate effective CT operational strategies for territory-wide security. It is headed by DCP OPS and its members come from the Security Bureau, the Force, the Fire Services Department, the Immigration Department, the Customs and Excise Department, the Civil Aviation Department and the Marine Department.

Participants share their experience in the scenario-based field exercise.
Participants share their experience in the scenario-based field exercise.